
Communities of Practice: Honest conversation with those on a similar path

Communities of Practice are designed to support you through the unique challenges in ministry. Whether you’re a deacon, clergy spouse, or lay leader, connect with others who understand your path.

Deacons Talking on the Road to Emmaus: For Deacons

He Qi’s image, “The Road to Emmaus” is used with permission.

Offered by the Association for Episcopal Deacons and Bexley Seabury Seminary, this series provides deacons with a space for worship, scripture reflection, fellowship, and learning. Each month offers a variety of sessions to deepen relationships, showcase ministries, and offer continuing education.


Mondays, 4:00 p.m. PT/7:00 p.m. ET

1st & 3rd Mondays: Worship, discussions, and fellowship

2nd Monday: Ministry spotlight featuring a deacon

4th Monday: Continuing education and lifelong learning

5th Monday: Deacons Formation Collaborative fellowship and resource sharing

Conversations on the Partner’s Path: For Clergy Spouses

Spouses of Episcopal clergy gather for for connection, spiritual nourishment, and gifts discernment. Through heart-to-heart topical engagements with our host and guest, we explore the challenge and the gift of being a clergy person’s partner.

1st Monday, 8:00–9:00 p.m. ET

Sharing Stories of Baptismal Living: For Lay Leaders

This gathering highlights the extraordinary contributions of lay leaders, sharing inspirational stories of living out baptismal promises. No new events are being produced at this time, but you can still explore past gatherings for support and reflection.

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