Admissions & Aid

The Bexley Seabury Fellowship in Church Planting, Evangelism, and Planting New Christian Communities

A fellowship for first-year Master of Divinity students

The Bexley Seabury Fellowship in Church Planting, Evangelism, and New Christian Communities

The Bexley Seabury Fellowship in Church Planting, Evangelism and New Christian Communities may be awarded to an entering first-year Master of Divinity student who is interested in pursuing ministry with an emphasis on church planting, evangelism, and new Christian communities and who demonstrates a strong commitment to pursuing such ministries within the Anglican tradition.

  • This fellowship is intended to cover the cost of tuition and fees associated with the pursuit of the Master of Divinity degree. This is a “top up” fellowship:  this will make up the difference between what your diocese or other bodies have committed to offering you in support and the cost of tuition and fees for the courses you take in a given year. This includes the course costs of Learning from London, a travel course led by Professor Jason Fout that explores growing missional churches in the Diocese of London, Church of England, that represent a range of ministry models and charisms. 

    The fellowship covers the 81 credit hours needed for the MDiv, provided the student maintains good academic standing. Courses may be pursued full or part time.

  • Applicants for the Bexley Seabury Fellowship in Church Planting, Evangelism and New Christian Communities must:

    •  Exhibit a commitment to ministry in the Episcopal Church, with a specific emphasis on church planting, evangelism, or new Christian communities

    • Have a GPA of B or above in their previous academic work;

    Bexley Seabury will give preference to applicants who could not otherwise afford seminary, and who will thrive academically in the kind of contextual program that Bexley Seabury offers. The seminary is especially interested in those students who (1) envision opportunities for church planting, evangelism, or new Christian communities among underserved communities, (2) imagine expanding these opportunities beyond traditional methods and definitions, and/or (3) intend to initiate these opportunities in contexts where they have not been pursued for some time.

  • Applications for the Bexley Seabury Fellowship in Church Planting, Evangelism and New Christian Communities must include the following:

    1.  At least two recommendations on behalf of the applicant, using the Fellowship recommendation form, found here, submitted directly to Bexley Seabury by the recommenders. Recommendations may be made by individuals who have also submitted letters of recommendation for admission to the MDiv degree program. Learn more about the MDiv Program here.

    2. A personal essay (of approximately 1000 words) that directly addresses qualifications to be a Bexley Seabury Fellowship in Church Planting, Evangelism and New Christian Communities recipient. Applicants may choose to submit an audio or video recording of the equivalent (7-10 minutes) in place of a written essay.

      • Please elaborate on why you would like to serve in church planting, evangelism, or starting new Christian communities. Please describe your experience or background in this area. Please also tell us about how this calling has developed for you, and what your goal or dream would be in pursuing it.

      • Please describe specific opportunities within your current context for church planting, evangelism, or new Christian communities. What would this look like? What promise would it hold? What hurdles do you anticipate? How may it also strengthen (and benefit from) existing church communities?

      1. A completed FAFSA application (for purposes of income verification);

      2. If you are a postulant or thinking about pursuing a possible call to holy orders in the Episcopal church you must also request to be submitted on your behalf a signed letter (on official letterhead) from your Bishop or the Chair of your Diocesan Commission on Ministry, indicating that they (1) are aware of your application for admission to Bexley Seabury Seminary’s MDiv program and of your plans to study full time here for three years; (2) are aware of your application to receive the Bexley Seabury Fellowship awarded to persons committed to pursuing ministry opportunities in church planting, evangelism, and/or new Christian communities; and (3) support (or do not oppose) your decision to study at Bexley Seabury Seminary as a Bexley Seabury Fellow.

Please submit all application materials and direct any questions to:

Bexley Seabury Seminary

1407 East 60th Street
Chicago, IL 60637
(773) 380-7041